December 30, 2009

Love Poem to God (this)

Did I expect any of this?

No, I did not expect this in my life.
I have been innocent of the expectations of this.

I did not expect to find in you the Friend of a lifetime,
or the sacred Other within you,
or the Deep-time experience
in an everyday conversation over tea.

I did not expect to find such rich blessings
in relationship with you.

You are my unexpected treasure
dear One.


anonymous julie said...

That's beautiful. I'm glad to find you've been writing again.

Meredith said...

Thank you Julie. It is good to see you here - like old times.

ashley said...

Very touching, Meredith. Thank you.

love and blessings and a big hug,

Sandra said...

Chills on my skin,
tears in my eyes...
Recognition in my heart...

Glad your back.
