March 10, 2005


Posted by Hello

What does this image whisper to your soul?


Anonymous said...

Light shining from the spirals of a conch. Long before we knew about the double-helix structure of DNA the spiral has spoke to something inside folks. Labyrinths. Spiral stairs. Conches. Even the swastika. It seems to combine the eternity of the circle with movement or growth. And then in this image we add light.

And then there's the conch itself. Confining yet open. Protective. Hard. Beautiful. Mathematical. Maybe we/I need to come out from our/my shell like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis.

Anonymous said...

I think the spiral conveys motion in utter stillness. Even a child can draw a spiral, and even that spiral suggests motion. In particular, this picture, suggests waves, ocean, air, and yin and yang.


Meredith said...

Before the first word: Silence.
Before the first light: Light.

When you gaze upon an object, you bring blessing to it. For through contemplation, you know that it is absolutely nothing without the divinity that permeates it. By means of this awareness, you draw greater vitality to that object from the divine source of life, since you bind that thing to absolute nothingingness, the origin of all. On the other hand, if you look at that object as a separate thing, by your look that thing is cut off from its divine root and vitality.

Dov Barer of Mezritch (? – 1772)

Darrell Grizzle said...

the inner labyrinth of the soul

Unknown said...

Endless swirls, turning in, turning out.

Also a reminder of the Golden Ratio.

Marjorie said...

The light within -- we must give it an opening so that it can be seen by others

isaiah said...

The Way out is a way in.

Aida said...

"What are doing here looking? Come to this embrace!"