February 12, 2006

How to Speak

How to speak
of ordinary miracles?
The kind that seem
impossible, yet...
yet happen everyday
to lovers?

How to speak,
to say the unsayable,
the point
just as the bud
is unfolding?
That exact point
does not exist.
When you see this,
bliss explodes
in your eyes
from rosebuds.

The flowers are talking,
can you hear them?
They are saying one word -
Over and over,
singing that word
They sing in fragrances,
in the language of silence,
and the blossoming of lovers
- inside you.
but they, the lovers,
understand it
do they not?
Oh they understand
the unsayable
and incomprehensible!
Perhaps for only a moment,
but they catch the fragrance.
Not even for a moment..
but they hear
the fragrance
of those flowers;
or taste it.
they taste it
in one another's mouths;
they taste eternal Spring.

On the lovers threshold
we exist in two worlds,
the seen and the unseeable.
But they can see it,
and speak it
can they not -
those unfathomable miracles?
Where are these eyes
of the lovers
that lie behind
our physical ones?
These are the eyes I want
to fall into,
to drown in.

The garden is drowning.
The whole countryside
is flooded
with your fragrance:
the perfume of green,
crimson and gold.
The whole world
is overrun;
the stars have fallen
and now cover
the desert with jewels.
Can you hear the music
in the sand,
in the faint tracks
that trail off
into silence?



Alexys Fairfield said...

Wondefully evocative. Refreshingly visual and beautifully sound. Breathtaking. :)

Anonymous said...

Just like the song you love,"over the rainbow",you have found that your dreams really can come true. You have reached out with your pure,loving heart and are now rewarded beyond your wildest fantasies. You are the viewer with innocent and open eyes. Now every glistening jewel on the beach is yours for free along with every sparkling diamond of frost on every blade of grass. You are no longer a seeker, but now the Finder.