April 14, 2005

Sudden Flash?

"How did you come to that state of unity with everything?"

"People have asked me that before, and I always feel that they expect to hear the dramatic account of some sudden miracle through which I suddenly became one with the universe. Of course nothing of the sort happened. My inner awareness was always there; though it took me time to feel it more and more clearly; and it equally took time to find words that would at all describe it. It was not a sudden flash, but a slow yet constant clarification of something that was always there. It did not grow, as people often think. Nothing can grow in us that is of spiritual importance. It has to be there in all its fullness, and the only thing that happens is that we become more and more aware of it. It is our intellectual reaction and nothing else that needs time to become more articulate, more definite."

Krishnamurti 1934


isaiah said...

"My inner awareness was always there; though it took me time to feel it more and more clearly; and it equally took time to find words that would at all describe it."

This inner awareness is inside each of us- instilled in us from birth only our society doesn't encourage or nurture the unfolding, nor does it have the time to wait- we are so ingrained with the need for instant gratification.

"Nothing can grow in us that is of spiritual importance. It has to be there in all its fullness, and the only thing that happens is that we become more and more aware of it."

Everything we need is present already. Patience and the ability to quiet the mind are the two most important attributes to discovering Unity with all.

Krishnamurti was a wonderful soul whose influence in expanding the consciousness of the Western world should not be underestimated.

Thanks for this wonderful passage- it warms me to read his words and understand him better. He speaks universally of that which we all desire more and more clarity on...how much simpler our understanding and unfolding is made by contemplating his experience.


They call him James Ure said...

"My inner awareness was always there." This is SO SO true and this is the realization I finally made last year. There is nothing amazing that happens. It is more like a blinking of the eyes and your whole vision and thinking process changes.

Larry Clayton said...

"like a blinking of the eyes"; Ah, yes, this frequently happens to me, also, a professed Christian.