February 26, 2005

It Was Within Me

From Following Darkness by Forrest Reid

It was as if I had never realized how lovely the world was. I lay down on my back in the warm, dry moss and listened to the skylark singing as it mounted up from the fields near the sea into the dark clear sky. No other music gave me the same pleasure as that passionate joyous singing. It was a kind of leaping, exultant ecstasy, a bright, flame-like sound, rejoicing in itself. And then a curious experience befell me. It was as if everything that had seemed to be external and around me was suddenly within me. The whole world seemed to be within me. It was within me that the trees waved their green branches; it was within me that the skylark was singing; it was within me that the hot sun shone, and that the shade was cool. A cloud rose in the sky, and passed in a light shower that pattered on the leaves, and I felt its freshness dropping into my soul, and I felt in all my being the delicious fragrance of the earth and the grass and the plants and the rich brown soil. I could have sobbed for joy.


Handsome B. Wonderful said...

A wonderful post. Thank you. The Oneness and balance of life is so beautiful. Yin and Yang.

isaiah said...

Sounds as if Forrest Reid has spent time in the North Carolina mountains walking the Laurel Creek trail. Reading this takes me right there, right inside to where the experience is...

...thanks for the excerpt!